Alex's picture

Alex's picture
Qing FuHai (taken in late June)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

He is officially ours!

We just got back from our civil affairs appointment.   It's noon here and we are back in our room relaxing for a few hours.  Alex actually fell asleep 5 minutes before we left the appointment and is taking a nap in his crib in our room.  Sam was never a child that "transferred" easily after he fell asleep and needed to be moved to his crib or something, but all went smoothly with Alex.  He was such a great boy this morning too.  We spent 3 hours meeting with the orphange staff, having interviews, applying for his passport, and sitting for hours filling out paperwork.  He was great and never cried at all.  The orphanage gave us a book of pictures they had taken of him over the past few months....what an awesome gift.  We also got back the pj's, blanket, and stuffed animal we sent him for his birthday in October.  We're happy he has something familiar to hold on to.
This boy sure does like to eat!   The orphanage director jokes about how much they had to feed him.  Right now he is taking 4 bottles a day and they said he also eats 3 snacks/meals a day too.  I'm still trying to figure out how to fit that all in one day!   Now that we've spent almost a day with him...we're really starting to see his personality.  He is a very laid back boy.   We were so excited that we were able to get him giggling this morning.   Alex was knocking a water bottle off the bed and then daddy would throw it back up in front of him and he thought that was quite funny.  He's already starting to get pretty attached to us.  He loves being held.  When we put him down even for a few minutes..he starts whining. 
We have some free time the rest of the day.  After naps (for all of us) we are heading back to the supermarket.   We haven't been able to post many pictures because we forgot our USB cable for the camera.  The only pictures we can post right now are coming from Doug's phone.  So, hopefully we can post more soon if we can find that cord we are missing.
We would appreicate the prayers for our continued safety and good health.  Also for Sam.  Doug and I are pretty homesick and missing our boy terribly.  It's so bittersweet being here right now.  We're trying to enjoy this trip and the alone time we have with Alex..but are hearts are wishing Sam was here too.  We are looking forward to coming home and starting our new life as a family of 4!

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